We live on a street which is generally devoid of door-to-door sales traffic. Our house is on a steep hill, with no sidewalks, and people drive up & down like lunatics. In the four years I've lived here, we have had three instances of door-knocking, Bible-beating, sales-type, house-casing people, and my intuition is always my best friend in these situations. My intuition's favorite word, by the way, is: NO!
I am not inclined to ever open my door to the sales-religious-whatever types, as I'm more mistrusting than trusting, and am always in a state of HIGH ALERT. Once (2009), these unsavory two men showed up on our doorstep, claiming to be from the Ronald McDonald House; but their IDs were unofficial looking, they initially refused to give me their names, had shifty eyes, and I felt like they were CASING the JOINT. I took pictures of them, just in case. Also, I called Ronald McDonald House to inquire about them, and they said "we never do community outreach like that." So! My suspicions were JUSTIFIED. Unsavory types! Harrumph!
Another time (2011), I was coming home with groceries, and these two walk-of-shame looking girls, with hooker heels, last night's makeup & seriously gaudy minidresses were making their way up the steps to our home. I called out to them from behind and said, "HEY! Where the HELL do you think YOU'RE going?!" To which one (whose fake left eyelash was dangling half off her lid) said, "Have you been saved by the Lord, our God, Jesus Christ?" Not having it, as they certainly were dressed to sell something other than the saving graces of Jesus, I told them to fuck right off.
Today (2014 :-D) it's chilly & overcast in LA. I was home, about to make a cup of tea, when there was a knock on our door. SOMEONE (meaning my husband, who ALWAYS DOES THIS) must have left the door to the street ajar. This drives me bananas, as ANYONE can just MOSEY up like this. My inner DEFCON FIVE alarm went off, and I grabbed a kitchen knife & went to see who it was.
There were two women standing there, with literature in their hands, and exhausted faces. Both in jeans, and well worn sneakers. The black woman had GLORIOUS raspberry wavy hair, and the white woman (girl, to be honest) had INCREDIBLE eye lashes. Real ones!! Still, they both looked a bit down & out. I put down the knife & opened the door.
As I opened the door, they introduced themselves as Jenn & Mieko, from the "Walter Hoving Home" for Women, in Pasadena. Oh great, I thought... They are kind of adorable, and how on Earth am I going to slam the door in their faces?! They went into the spiel of how the home helps rebuild the shattered lives of women and yes, it is faith-based.
FYI: I'm not into organized religion. I don't pray. I don't go to church. I did my time in Catholic school, and that certainly was enough for me, by the way. My religion teacher was always throwing me out of class, for having "the nerve" to ask questions. My parents always told me TO ask questions when I didn't understand. Sigh...conundrums...
As they went on, I wasn't really listening. I was looking at how tired & wan their faces were. I stopped them cold and asked, "Would you like to sit down? Can I get you some water, or coffee?" All of a sudden, the spiel stopped, and light came into their faces. They were so tired, and thankful for the human kindness, as they'd had a really challenging day.
So, I made them a couple of cappuccinos, grabbed my tea, and sat with them on our verandah for about a half an hour. Poor things, the hills are steep, and people around here are just as prone to being on HIGH ALERT as I am. Anyway, I'm no saint, but kindness isn't JUST a Christian concept. Actually, if you listen to the right wing news too much, lately Christian beliefs seem to have taken a turn AWAY from the selfless, toward the selfish.
The one girl told me of her domestic violence past, and the other suffered from drug addiction. I told them I too had moments of being down & out, and they gazed at our pretty house in wonder of where their lives could lead them, if they could keep on the right path. It gets better, I said, as they enjoyed their warm coffees in the cool breeze.
Of course, their mission today was not just to inform people about the organization where they are getting help, but also to collect donations towards their "tuition." I guess I'm in a generous mood today, because I did donate. They must have caught me on a "big softie" day.
By the way, I've never made cappuccinos with vanilla almond milk before, but it's all I had & the girls claimed they were the BEST coffees EVER. I wish them all the best.